Usually I save a web-size (800x600 or so) versions of the photos that I think came out well in a directory called Web\K10D. And then of course I take a look at these photos every now and then. And so yesterday I noticed that most of the recent photos of mine are of the people whom I mostly know. And then the recollection came down at me...
I went to Prague to have a good time and also because the husband-soon-to-be asked me to take some pictures at the wedding. Then there was this company party and I was shooting again. Yesterday I had a nice walk in the park shooting my co-worker's firstborn.
People who know me are starting to ask me to come and take some pictures for them!
No, I am not charging money or anything of this kind. However this is really amusing.
As a side note, if you read this blog/message, please leave a comment so that I'd know if there are more than one person whom I happen to know in person ;-) reading my ramblings...
May the light be with you...
The "Assurance of Salvation" is Overrated
2 weeks ago
I read this!
I've recently had people asking me to take photos for them as well - it's rather nice, but at the same time quite daunting, as my consistency isn't quite up to scratch yet.
Hey Boris,
Nobody ask me questions like that...:-)
Thanks, cowfishbill and the guy behind the alunfoto...
As long as I am not going to be paid for my photography, and as long as the other party knows I am just going to have fun - it is not as difficult as it sounds.
Jostein, you should probably try it. It is cool, really.
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